Happy Belated Blogoversary...We Have a Winner!

We returned early this morning (at 2 am!) from a wonderful 10-day vacation in Sonoma, California, visiting a dear friend I've known since Wellesley.

So, I missed seeing the Happy Blogoversary button here yesterday (the count's back to 364 today, as you can see!).

But, as promised, we have a winner in my favorite "art thing" drawing....

Drumroll please...

Congratulations to reader Peggy, who shared her favorite "art thing," the book Material World, featured in my April 1st post.

As the first Artventuring Blogoversary Giveaway winner, Peggy will receive her choice of one of three mini clocks shown here.

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway, and as always, thanks to you dear readers of Artventuring for visiting, commenting, and supporting what I do.

More to come after I've waded through the 337 emails which arrived while I was gone!


reagan said…
congrats on your blogoversary! And welcome to Melange:-)