Thursday Thirteen #21: Uh Oh: NC Reactions to Ice and Snow

1. At the first mention of the words on the local weather report, panic sets in.
2. Each successive weather report is watched. Panic increases.
3. The weather report becomes the sole broadcast on all local stations. In the face of such wall-to-wall coverage, panic seems reasonable; even necessary.
4. When snow is actually sighted, kids rejoice. (This one added by my 14-year old son)
5. Even if no snow is actually sighted, schools either close, or go on 2-hour delay, causing further panic and chaos with parents' schedules.
6. Salt, sand, and chemical trucks go out to treat the main roads. Okay, this is a good reaction.
7. Spurred by the panicked thought of not being able to leave the house for days and days, people race to the supermarkets to buy up all the milk and bread in sight.
8. After the supermarket, they crowd into the home improvement warehouses and snatch up all the batteries, flashlights and gas generators in stock.
9. Instead of wisely deciding to stay home from work, people don't allow extra time, so traffic is more congested than normal.
10. Even in the midst of bad weather, drivers pay little notice--driving like they're at a NASCAR event, as usual.
11. And, as a result of never having learned ice and snow driving skills, they spin out, get stuck and/or have fender-benders.
12. Kids build snowmen, have snowball fights, slip, slide, and have great fun,
13. Unless, as is often the case, nothing actually comes of the prediction, and the weather has the last laugh (Mother Nature is an excellent comedienne!). Then, what does everyone DO with all that extra bread and milk?
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You are right about Mother Nature having the last laugh it seldome snows here, but it did once on APRIL 1st.
Happy tt!
Ya, they panic in the south.
My T-13 is posted. Won't you join me?
Happy TT!
My Thursday Thirteen: Favorite American Idols
Happy TT
I grew up in SC. I know how crazy they are when they hear the "S" word.
the Pink Flamingo
Happy TT!!!
Happy TT-13!
We had about an inch of snow today, followed by rain that will no doubt wash it away by morning. The kids got out of school early and I got the pleasure of seeing snow--I'm a transplanted New York City girl who went to college in Albany. I LIKE snow!