We live in the bright pink area of the map = direct hit |
Lots going on, not the least of which was a tornado 8 days ago here in Raleigh, or should I say, a reported 25 tornadoes which touched down in our area. Fortunately for us, we were out of town, visiting UPenn. Unfortunately for our house, it couldn't go with us. Our neighborhood was among the most damaged; power was out for hours due to huge power towers going down with electrical wires strewn across the access road, and many homes sustained major damage. Almost everyone's home has aluminum siding missing and broken windows. We were luckier than some, including our next door neighbors who can't live in their home (60% of their roof was destroyed).
An event like this makes you thankful, and appreciative of the important things in life--especially the health and safety of your family (pets included--our cat, Sienna, weathered the storm like a trooper, all by herself. When my sister found her the day after the storm, she was in a small area under the basement stairs, with no windows--just like she'd heard the weather reporters telling her where to go!)
We're all okay, my studio was untouched, and life goes on.
I look forward to hearing back from you soon!
Heather Johnson
(this is only open to US residents, if this is not a possibility please let me know)
Thinking of you all!