One Year Ago Today...

I had no clear idea what having a blog would be like. I thought I knew I wanted one (!), but wasn't exactly sure of how to go about getting one. So, I did some research, chose Blogspot for it's ease of use, and free service, and jumped in with both feet. One year ago today I wrote my first Artventuring post.

What's happened since then? I've learned a lot about blogging, my work and myself, and about the kindness of people I've never actually seen.

I've learned I need to write in the mornings, otherwise the post doesn't get done.

I've learned inspiration sometimes comes from the least likely places, and to recognize it when it does.

I've learned to ask for help and opinions (not the easiest thing for a true Virgo woman!), and to value what's given in return.

I've learned that the creative process is at once a solitary and collaborative one, and thanks to my readers, I've made some changes and taken some leaps which I wouldn't have, otherwise.

I've learned I enjoy exploring the world of art and sharing what I've found. And, though I've done fewer artist interviews than I'd first thought I would, I've found other ways to go "artventuring" around the web.

I've learned to get out of the little corner of the world I occupy, and seek new sources of inspiration and 'visual delights'...I'll be doing more of this in the coming year.

And, I'm astounded by Artventuring's reach; the most recent visitor from the farthest away lives in Brisbane, Australia (10, 065 miles from Raleigh, NC)! During the year, I've had visitors from just about every state in the US, Greece, Ireland, Germany, Macedonia (!), Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, the Netherlands, Canada, India and Italy, to name just a few.

After 365 days, 141 posts, 11,707 page views/visits, and over 300 comments, I realize this blog has become an important part of my creative life.

And, because the old look was getting boring, even to me, I've done a redesign. Let me know what you think, and remember, comments about today's post are eligible for my Blogoversary Comment Contest. Make a comment, and you could win a Tarishi, to keep you organized and make you smile. The drawing will be held on Tuesday, April 15th, and the winner will be announced on Wednesday, April 16th.

So, thanks to all of you who've glanced, stumbled upon, picked at random, visited, stayed for awhile, put Artventuring on your Technorati favorites, subscribed in a reader, just lurked, or commented...I appreciate you all, no matter how you found me, and I promise to keep Artventuring for another great year!
