The More Things Change...

Last year on this date, I was putting the final touches on the design of Artventuring, prior to launching it on April 12, 2007.

The more things change, the more they remain the, I'm putting the final touches on the redesign of Artventuring, prior to revealing it tomorrow on my 1 year 'Blogoversary' April 12, 2008.

Please plan to visit, make a comment, and you could win a Tarishi/Mask Message Holder.

See you tomorrow!


Jodi Ohl said…
Congratulations Michelle on your 1 year anniversary!! Your artwork is incredible and I enjoy stopping by your blog to see what your up to. Here's to another successful year for you on your blog and in your artlife!
GreenishLady said…
Haven't visited before but am stopping by today to wish you a Happy Blogaversary!