100th Post!
Here's some of what I wrote in my first post, last April:
Artventuring is my vision of the creative life; having adventures on the journey which is the creative process, and I love Maya Angelou's quote about treating life as art ("Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will be able to treat life as art.")Artventuring also means discovering talented people around the world who are engaged in creating beautiful things. Interviews to come, at least once a week.I'll also share information about my own work; I create mixed media shadow boxes, masks, clocks and mirrors inspired by the colors, textures and symbols of Africa. (How's that for a 10-second introduction?) I sell my work primarily through art shows and festivals. My company name is Jordan's Treasures (time for a new name; more about that in later posts), and you can see more of my work here: http://www.jordanstreasures.net/And, as the time approaches, I'll share the joys and challenges of being an art show promoter, as I prepare to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Festival Noir this December.So, please join me in Artventuring; a journey of discovery.
How has Artventuring evolved since then? Well, I've done fewer featured artist interviews than I'd wanted; I'll try to increase them in the coming year. My show promoter hat's been put on the shelf for this year, since my partner and I decided to cancel Festival Noir (which was a good decision for many reasons, not the least of which was the foot of snow Boston got last weekend, which would have been the weekend of our show!). And, I have yet to decide upon the final name change for my company....it'll happen soon, I hope.
But the positives have far outweighed the disappointments. I've encountered so many talented, artistic and generous women whose work and lives have inspired me, I've joined Etsy, PCAGOE, Flickr, Thursday Thirteen, and made connections with customers and admirers of my work in ways I wouldn't have, without Artventuring.
And, there's more to come...on to the next hundred!
Hugs and blessings,