New Directions

In my quest to reach out and gain exposure for my work, I've explored some new directions recently:

I've just joined a group of artists with whom I share some things in common: polymer clay, having a store at Etsy ("your place to buy & sell all things handmade"), and the desire to gain exposure for our creations. The Polymer Clay Artists Guild of Etsy uses the Yahoo-based Flickr photo service to display images, and I invite you to visit our members' work there, by searching the tag "pcagoe". The group's website is here. Enjoy exploring the wide range of things which can be created with polymer clay.

Just this week, as I researched new exhibition and show opportunities, I learned about a show in South Carolina called Artisphere. Billed as the International Arts Festival of Greenville, their fourth annual outdoor show will be held in April of next year. Luckily, I had slides and my artist's statement ready, since the deadline is today! Here are the images I submitted (along with a slide of my booth set up):

I've never done a show in South Carolina, so I'm looking forward to being selected for inclusion in the show by the 4-person jury. And, I'm hopeful that a new audience will be receptive. Details to come; notification of acceptance is due December 3rd.

I'm also considering applying to an International Juried Show in Summit, New Jersey. This will be a first for me, as my pieces, once selected (like that positive thinking?) will be included in a 6-week gallery exhibition. There's good karma here for me too, as my maternal grandparents lived in Summit for over 60 years. In fact, that's where my mother was born. I have fond memories of Summit, and I hope this will become another one.

I've also researched exhibitions in Washington, DC, Chicago, and New York. I've been inspired by textile artist Sonji Hunt, who says to, "Apply like a mad woman, all over the country. Get your name out there." So, I've also committed to work on getting my images, and my artistic story into magazines. To that end, I did another new thing this week: I attended a teleseminar called How to Get Your Art Published in Magazines by Alyson Stanfield, the ArtBiz Coach and Jennifer King, a painter of poetic landscapes and former editor of International Artist magazine, among others. The information was invaluable, and it left me energized and even more determined to get my name "out there".

So, new directions and new opportunities for the new year; all part of the journey. Can't wait to see what adventures the future will bring!


Anonymous said…
Am so glad I came and read - you are an inspiration here! Where do you get all that energy?!

Thanks for leaving the note about the meme - I am so sorry I lost it, and so glad you are still talking to me!

I have that interview from Alyson too - I thought it was really good and have put it on my list of todos for the winter when things slow down. I've been promising I would write an article forever but I guess it's daunting because I haven't done it yet - so now it's on the list, which makes it real, and I must start thinking about it for real. Are you good at this? Are you going to share your expertise?!