Thursday Thirteen #4: Body Part Cliches

1. As plain as the nose on your face--depending on how large your nose is, this is an insult or a compliment.
2. No skin off my nose--not sure how this one came about, unless there was a lot of skidding face first along concrete sometime in the past.
3. By the skin of my teeth--skin? of teeth?!
4. Keep your eyes peeled--eyes? peeled?!
5. I have a gut feeling--bad meal at a fast food joint?!
6. I don't have the stomach for it--as a result of #5?
7. It costs an arm and a leg--we used to add: 'and a foot and a toe' to connote something really expensive!
8. Turn the other cheek--not going to touch that with the proverbial 10-foot pole.
9. On the tip of my tongue--where many words reside, refusing to move to my brain.
10. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth--an old-fashioned one; I was never quite sure what this actually meant.
11. Straight from the horse's mouth--clearly, a Mr. Ed reference, isn't it?!
12. I need it like a hole in the head--applies to many things, but what a grisly image!
13. Off the top of my head--lots of things hover here, too (see #9)
Happy TT, everyone!
Great list!
Sick as a Dog
Why? What made that dog so sick? Poor Dog.
Great list
Nice list. I think the "butter wouldn't melt in her mouth" one means she's kind of cold, doesn't it? It's been a while since I've heard it used (smile).
Happy TT!
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