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Charlotte in September...
When I 'Googled' confetti, I found this fractal image by Vicky Brago-Mitchell, and I thought it was just the thing to celebrate my work being selected by the jury for inclusion in the Artist's Walk, Fine Arts & Crafts section of Festival in the Park in Charlotte! In its 43rd year, the 4-day festival will be held on September 20th through 23rd. From everything I've heard, it's an exciting, well-run event. Since Charlotte is my new favorite city, based upon the great reception we got at April's Art & Soul of South End, I'm definitely looking forward to returning there. It'll be good to see fellow blogger and Charlotte Jordan's Treasures customer Lori, who's an Artventuring reader too! I'll be back, Lori'--till then, I'll be checking out what's going on with you on your blog: Lori's Old School Mix.
Festival in the Park will give me a chance to use my mailing list, something I've been remiss in doing. Once all of my moving is completed (REALLY looking forward to that day!), I will work on a snail-mail postcard to send to my Charlotte list. I'm considering a 'special offer' to add to the card--any ideas? I welcome your input on what's worked for you, or what you as a customer responded positively to from an artist or business. Thanks. Now, back to packing.